
Weather in Guadalajara

The city’s climate is temperate humid with summer rains. Spring is the driest season and warm with winds in February and March rainfall is between May and October, presenting intense electrical storms and high winds. In summer and very warm spring day with highs above 33 ° C are numerous, recording warm days even in January and February. Towards autumn and winter rainfall decrease and give way to sunny days and cold north winds. In winter it is common for occasional frosts occur with temperatures down to -6 ° C during the coldest nights, usually during the months of January and February. The northern climate is less warm and colder and less rain.

Guadalajara weather forecast and weather conditions. Today’s and tonight’s Guadalajara weather forecast

Weather in Guadalajara 10 day Forecast

Weather in Guadalajara 10 day forecast
weather in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico a 10 day forecast

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